Within Cape May’s two square mile community, there are many unique shops and boutiques which are operated by experienced craftsmen who eagerly look forward to greeting and conversing with each customer. The variety of distinctive merchandise complements the beauty and imagery of Cape May and is often handmade by our local artisans. Merchants take great pride in producing custom made items that are tailored to the particular whims and detailed specifications of discriminating buyers. While small specialty shops are tucked away on narrow streets, there are also well-appointed retail shopping districts sprinkled throughout our walkable City. As examples, the Washington Street Mall, with almost 100 individually owned stores with a myriad of enticing products, is considered one of the five most successful pedestrian malls in the nation. While strolling through these shops, there is ample opportunity to take a relaxing break on our comfortable benches to admire the attractive streetscape and architecture. Certainly, the diversity of seashore oriented stock in Cape May’s retail stores along the beachfront Promenade and Beach Avenue is augmented by the panoramic scenery of the Atlantic Ocean and our white, sandy beaches. And do not forget to visit the nautically themed merchandise displayed in the Texas Avenue shopping area adjacent to Cape May Harbor as well as the craftsmanship evident in the specialty shops sprinkled along West Perry Street in the western sector of the City.